Installation Notes for the CIFPARSE - Function Library of mmCIF Access Tools This version of CIFPARSE is being distributed as a source library with a set of example programs. NOTE: To compile CIFPARSE, GNU packages flex and bison are REQUIRED. 1. Installation a. Uncompress and unbundle the distribution using the following command: zcat cifparse-vX.X.X-XXX.tar.gz | tar -xf - The result of this command is a subdirectory cifparse-vX.X.X-XXX in the current directory. It contains subdirectories of various source modules and several utility directories. 2. Building the libraries a. Position in the cifparse-vX.X.X-XXX directory and run "make" command: cd cifparse-vX.X.X-XXX make The result of this are three libraries which are placed in lib directory. 3. Demonstration a. Assuming that cifparse-vX.X.X-XXX is the current directory, execute the followng commands: make test make test2 - for ddl and dictionary functions The output from the example programs is located in the subdirectory cifparse-vX.X/test