Crystallographic Information Framework

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Twinning dictionary version 1.0

Revision history

    2012-07-25 Created from Victor Young's draft text. JRH
    2012-08-20 Added category definitions and corrected _list for 
               _twin_lattice_type. JRH
    2012-08-21 cosmetic changes such as arranging the items 
               alphabetically and added queries for VY. I.D.Brown
    2012-08-28 Inserted changes from V. Young as per I.D. Brown's
               comments; removed _example_detail for twin category; corrected
               _list_reference for _refln_ category; added explanation for
               _refln_F_squared_ . JRH
    2012-08-31 Added _twin_special_details with example from VY. JRH
    2013-01-17 Corrected equation defining F_calc. JRH
    2013-01-18 Moved _refln_ items into separate _twin_refln category and
               rewrote definitions for clarity.
    2013-03-13 Added missing _twin_refln_index_ . JRH
    2013-03-25 IDB: Added enumeration range to 
               _twin_individual__mass_fraction_refined and rewrote 
               the definition 
               Rewrote the definition of _twin_individual_twin_matrix
               Raised queries about what the _twin_refln category 
               is actually recording.
    2013-05-09 JRH: corrected _twin_refln_F_calc equation; added
               _list_reference to _twin_refln_h, *_k, *_l definition;
               fiddled with _twin_individual_twin_id definition text
    2013-06-26 JRH,VY: added further example to TWIN category
    2013-06-26 some syntax and formatting errors corrected (BM)
    2013-06-27 IDB Changed  _twin_refln_observed_status to  
               Added the twin_contibution category
               Reworked the twin_refln category to change the list reference
                to _twin_refln_datum_id (name changed from _*_datum_index
               Made some improvements to the definitions.
               Converted space group symbols to CIF conventions
               Arranged items in alphabetic order to conform 
                to other dictonaries.
    2013-07-11 JRH edited examples to reflect proposed changes from IDB
    2013-07-29 VGY modified examples to comply with IDB's suggested changes 
               (see below). These are within comments, but not yet integrated
               into the text of the document. Added nmt for non-merohedral
               twin into data_twin_lattice_type. Somehow this was removed.
    2013-08-16 VGY made corrections as directed by JH in examples 2 and 3. 
               Removed work for these examples from commented text and 
               integrated into document. Updated example 1 to include explicit 
               _twin_contribution items for individual 2.
    2013-09-02 JRH edited in latest examples from VGY after email discussion
    2013-09-03 JRH: move lattice_twin_type into twin_individual category; add
               'ref' lattice twin type. Changed _twin_contribution_twin_id to
    2013-09-03 VGY: improve example to include single-contributor reflections 
               coming from different individuals.
    2013-09-13 IDB: Changed _refln_twin to _twin_refln, 
               improved wording of some definitions, corrected syntax errors, 
               added _twin_refln_include_status, 
               removed '_mandatory yes' from _twin_refln_index_
               Rearranged the order of items in some examples to put the 
               list reference first.
    2013-11-13 IDB: Following comments from Tony Linden and George Sheldrick 
               an alternative version of twin_refln is proposed.  
               If this is adopted _twin_contribution would be dropped.
    2013-12-04 IDB: The alternative twin_refln is adopted and 
               twin_contribution is deleted.
    2012-12-04 Minor spelling corrections,removal of old twin_contribution
               material and example clarification added. VGY
    2012-12-05 IDB: Made changes in the description of the example 
               under the twin category to reflect the deletion 
               of the twin_contribution category.
               Removed '_twin_contribution_individual_id' from
               _link_list_child in the definition of _twin_individual_id.
               Modified the description of the twin_refln category 
               to reflect the merging of twin_contribution with twin_refln.
               Added r to enumeration list of _twin_refln_include_status.
   2014-02-14  BMcM and NJA: minor editing for clean release version