
LARGE-VOLUME, HIGH-PRESSURE FACILITY AT GSECARS, ADVANCED PHOTON SOURCE. Yanbin Wang, Mark Rivers, Steve Sutton, and Tom Duffy Center for Advanced Radiation Sources, The University of Chicago, 5640 South Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637.

A large-volume, high pressure facility for in-situ X-ray studies is being built at the GeoSoilEnviroCARS (GSECARS) at the Advanced Photon Source (APS). A DIA-type, cubic anvil apparatus will be installed at the bending magnet beam line (13-BM-D). This apparatus consists of a 250 ton hydraulic press and six anvils each with a square anvil tip, and has a proven record of being capable of producing high- quality powder diffraction data to pressures up to 15 GPa and temperatures to 1800 K. The 13-BM beam line provides energy- dispersive diffraction to energies in excess of 80 keV, as well as monochromatic diffraction with useful energies between 20 and 40 keV. A 1200 ton press will be installed at the insertion device beam line (13-ID-D), with interchangeable tooling that ranges from a large DIA compressing 8 cubic anvils (a 6/8 system) to a conventional split- cylinder multi-anvil configuration making use of large WC anvils. With sintered diamond anvils, pressures and temperatures in excess of 30 GPa and 2000 K, respectively, can be generated with the two-stage, 6/8 system. Deformation experiments are possible by introducing a second jack that independently pushes the top DIA anvil, producing a triaxial stress field with strains up to 10 - 20%. The insertion beam line is also capable of providing both energy dispersive and monochromatic X-rays. This facility will provide opportunities for a wide range of research such as crystallography, equation of state, phase equilibrium, and deformation of materials under simultaneous high pressure and temperature conditions.