
MISFIT LAYER COMPOUNDS (SbS)1.15(TiS2)n WITH n=1,2. Y. Rena, A. Meetsmaa, S. van Smaalenb, V. Petricekc, C.H. Ruecherd, C. Haasa, and G.A. Wiegersa. aChemical Physics, University of Groningen, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands; bLab for Crystallography, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany; cInstitute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, 16200 Praha 6, Czech Republic; dInstitute for Mineralogy, University of Hannover, 30167 Hannover, Germany.

The incommensurate crystal structures of the misfit layer compounds have been determined on the basis of a (3+2)-D superspace-group using single crystal X-ray diffraction. The structures are built up by alternating stackings of double layers SbS and single or paired sandwiches TiS2. The SbS double layers consist of an intrinsical interface modulation. The distinguishing feature is the incommensurate ordering of Sb/S atoms on the distorted rock-salt structure of SbS, which results in Sb-Sb and S-S clusters. The electronic structure has been studied using photoelectron spectroscopies. 22% of the total Sb atoms are in Sb-Sb contacts. All spectrum peaks are broadened by the mutual interaction of the two subsystems. The top valence band consists mainly of S 3p states and the conduction band of Ti 3d states. The study of their electrical transport and optical properties shows a 2D Fermi-liquid behaviour.