
ROUGHNESS ESTIMATION OF POLYCRYSTAL METAL SURFACES UNDER THE ULTRA HIGH VACUUM BY X-RAY GLANCING SCATTERING. Yoshikazu Fujii, Kenji Yoshida, Takeshi Nakamura and Kentaroh Yoshida, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657, Japan

We have constructed a new equipment for study of surface by x-ray glancing scattering. The equipment has a 18kW rotating-anode x-ray source, an incident monochromator and an ultra high vacuum chamber in which a specimen is mounted.

With use of this equipment we tried roughness estimation of polycrystal silver surfaces under the UHV by x-ray glancing scattering. The experiments were performed with use of Cu-K[[alpha]] characteristic x-ray with [[lambda]]=1.54Å.

At several glancing angle incidence of the x-ray beam on a polycrystal silver surface, angular distributions of the scattered x-ray intensity were measured as shown in the bellow.

The angular distributions of the scattered x-ray intensity were simulated with use of simple model of rumpled surface. Based on these results we propose a new method of roughness estimation of the surface.