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Re: Computing school Florence 2005

The point is that we are not talking here about a workshop but about a
computing school that traditionally extented over a period of 1 week.


> --- "a.l.spek" <spea@chem.uu.nl> wrote:
> > My proposal would be a 5 day meeting (18-22 august 2005, arrival aug 17),
> > prior to the congress (23-31 aug 2005) to be held at the congress site.
> The IUCr meeting is very long already. Attending the computing workshop will be
> difficult for many people if this adds five more days. This is also a budget
> issue: five additional days of lodging at the peak of the travel season in
> Florence will be quite expensive. I believe a shorter workshop is more likely
> to attract a larger audience. A well organized, focussed two-day workshop would
> seem ideal to me, but three days might still be acceptable for a sufficiently
> large fraction of the pool of interested people.
> Ralf
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# Prof. Dr. A.L.Spek, Laboratory of Crystal and Structural Chemistry       #
# Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University.            #
# (Kruytgebouw, room N801), Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. #
# E-mail: a.l.spek@chem.uu.nl       http://www.cryst.chem.uu.nl/           #
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