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Re: Proposals for Florence-2005


> 1. Advances in computational methods for protein crystallography
> 2. Advances in computational methods for powder diffraction
> 3. Advances in computational methods for small molecule crystallography
> 4. Problems and solutions in programming robust CIF into crystallographic
> software
> 5. The algorithms behind handling Quasicrystals in crystallographic software
> 6. Computational problems and solutions in incommensurate structures
> 7. Innovations in computing and reporting for service based crystallography
> 8. Applying non-crystallographic algorithms to crystallography
> ??? - others?

   I guess "Computational solutions for high-throughput crystallography" 
woulkd be nice, as (1) would not hold it. (7) is probably related to it ?
   Also, are (5) and (6) distinct enough to require different microsymposia ?

Vincent Favre-Nicolin
Université Joseph Fourier
ObjCryst & Fox : http://objcryst.sourceforge.net

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