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CCOM: New IUCr CompComm Logo

  • To: compcomm-l@iucr.org (IUCr Computing Commission Members List)
  • Subject: CCOM: New IUCr CompComm Logo
  • From: "L. Cranswick" <lzc@dl.ac.uk>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 05:46:06 +0100 (BST)

A very rushed Email that the CompComm logo competition finished
Friday.  I realised too late that I did not give a judging mechanism -
so decided the person who had to update the webpage would do the 
judging - rather than drag it out and end up not having time
to update the website due to work commitments.  (hope this is 
ofay with  everyone).  Thus Paul and Kathy Sehnke declared
the winners for their design :


All Submissions:



Compcomm webpage:


Siena 2005 webpage:



The next CompComm newsletter should be out in early August
with the theme of "Restraints, Constraints and using extra 
observables".  Will put a newsgroup message out about this,
plus when the edition is ready - will put in an article
into the IUCr Newsletter.  (am not sure if I have done this
in the past - and possibly missing potential audience by
not doing this)


Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
Contact outside working hours /
  Coordonnees en dehors des heures de travail:
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Mobile/Cell: 613 401 3433   WWW: http://lachlan.bluehaze.com.au/
        P.O. Box 2057, Deep River, Ontario, Canada, K0J 1P0

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