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Re: [ddlm-group] THREAD 3: The alphabet of non-delimited strings.

(Prepared before Nick's latest emails)

Point of clarification: when I stated that tokens would always be
separated by whitespace, I did not have in mind the contents of
bracketed constructs; for the purposes of this discussion I consider
that the whole bracketed construct is a single token (which is
obviously a simplification).  I'm not sure in which sense Brian
understood this condition.  So to answer Herbert's question:

	2.  When writing any quoted construct, we would always follow
	the tailing quote with whitespace.

	Thus in writing a bracketed series of quoted strings, we would
	follow each trailing quote with a space before the comma or
	close bracket, but on read would accept a comma coming
	immediately after the close quote.

	Is that correct?

No: I had in mind that spaces would have to follow quoted constructs
only for quoted constructs outside brackets.  Inside brackets, a comma
or close bracket could also directly follow quoted constructs (and
unquoted constructs).  Incidentally, I don't understand the need to
distinguish between reading and writing.

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