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[ddlm-group] CIF-2 changes

Dear Colleagues,

   Please take a look at the dictionaries I have drafted at


and tell me if I am on the right track in trying to convert to CIF-2
format dictionaries.  I have taken all the August 2008 () style tuples in 
the upper level and converted them to October 2009 CIF-2 {} style lists.
I have not changed any array dimension specifications, e.g. [*], nor the 
innards of any methods.


   1.  Should the dimensions be changed, e.g. from [3] to {3}?
   2.  Should there be any changes in dREL methods themselves?

For example consider:

     _definition.id              'function.SymEquiv'
     _definition.update           2007-10-11
      The function
                      xyz' =  SymEquiv( symop, symcat, xyz )

      returns a fractional coordinate vector xyz' which is input vector
      xyz transformed by the input symop 'n_pqr' applied to the symmetry
      equivalent matrix extracted from the category symcat.
     _name.category_id            function
     _name.object_id              SymEquiv
     _type.purpose                Assigned
     _type.container              Array
     _type.contents               Real
     _type.dimension              [3]
      Function SymEquiv( c :[Single, Symop],    # symop string n_pqr
                         l :[Category, Tag],    # loop of symmetry matrices
                         x :[Array, Real]    )  # fract coordinate vector
              s = l [ SymKey( c ) ]

              SymEquiv = s.R * x + s.T + SymLat( c )

Should that remain the same, or should it be as follows

     _definition.id              'function.SymEquiv'
     _definition.update           2007-10-11
      The function
                      xyz' =  SymEquiv( symop, symcat, xyz )

      returns a fractional coordinate vector xyz' which is input vector
      xyz transformed by the input symop 'n_pqr' applied to the symmetry
      equivalent matrix extracted from the category symcat.
     _name.category_id            function
     _name.object_id              SymEquiv
     _type.purpose                Assigned
     _type.container              Array
     _type.contents               Real
     _type.dimension              {3}
      Function SymEquiv( c :{Single, Symop},    # symop string n_pqr
                         l :{Category, Tag},    # loop of symmetry matrices
                         x :{Array, Real}    )  # fract coordinate vector
              s = l { SymKey( c ) }

              SymEquiv = s.R * x + s.T + SymLat( c )


  Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science
    Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121
         Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769


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