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[ddlm-group] Relationship of CIF2 to legacy platforms

Dear All,

I think it would be helpful to make a policy decision regarding our
treatment of legacy systems in CIF2.0.  This concerns first and
foremost Fortran derived line-length constraints, but may impact on
the encoding discussion in deciding which encodings might get some
special treatment.  There may be other such issues as well.
We have a few choices:

1. Disregard legacy system issues when designing CIF2, on the basis
that such systems can continue to use CIF1 and will eventually
disappear at about the same time that it does (sort of like ASCII and

2. Continue to support legacy systems on the basis that we don't want
to deny such systems the chance to partake of the raw unadulterated
goodness of CIF2, or perhaps more seriously that such legacy systems
are integral to CIF2 takeup.

What do you think?


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