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Re: [ddlm-group] CIF-2 changes

Obviously I will argue Option 1: as I have from the beginning. I am willing
to give up this option once I know

(a) There is an expectation that we have to support existing CIF1 names and
(b) the mm and sm communities aren't willing to drop [ ] and / from data
names in CIF2. (Many of them have been deprecated from the sm dictionary)

Otherwise I (begrudgingly) vote Option 2:

Except I would choose a more explicit function name like getValue() or use a
MySQL-ish approach like

_atom_site.aniso_U = [`_atom_site.aniso_U[1][1]`,...]

This might be do-able. The back tick (`) initiates the parser into a context
of spanning the contents as a string, and getting the value of the
aniso_U[1][1] from the _atom_site object. Used on the left hand side of a
statement it would be setting the value.

This is all predicated on ` is excluded as an allowed character in the data
name. Now go on - tell me there already is a data name with a ` included -
make my day!

I am increasingly coming to the conclusion that we need to exclude as many
characters outside of [A-Za-z0-9_.] as possible from data names :)

On 11/11/09 2:23 PM, "James Hester" <jamesrhester@gmail.com> wrote:

> Following is a short analysis of the dREL/brackets situation.
> Problem: If datanames contain characters that are syntactically
> meaningful in dREL, it will impossible to refer to those datanames in
> dREL methods.  For example, in order to build up a nice matrix out of
> the individual _atom_site.aniso_U[i][j] items now present in mmCIF, a
> dREL method would have to refer to them, e.g.
> _atom_site.aniso_U = [[_atom_site.aniso_U[1][1],...]
> but the [1] will be wrongly interpreted as an array reference.
> ======================
> Options for a solution:
> Option 1: Ban all dREL syntactically meaningful characters from CIF2
> datanames, handle CIF1 square brackets in custom conversion software
> if DDLm is needed
> Option 2: Add a built-in dREL function to 'quote' the contents.  If
> this function is called 'dataname', then the above line becomes:
> _atom_site.aniso_U = [dataname("_atom_site.aniso_U[1][1]"),...]
> This function need only be used where the syntax does not permit
> straighforward use of the name.
> Option 3: Allow brackets in datanames, but create an additional
> dataname in the relevant dictionary which is an exact alias to the
> problem dataname for use in dREL methods.  So in the above example, we
> might add a dataname to the dictionary called '_atom_site.aniso_U_11',
> and state that it is an alias for _atom_site.aniso_U[1][1].  dREL code
> would follow the alias to get the value for aniso_U[1][1]
> ============
> I view option 2 as the elegant solution.  It is analogous to the
> Python 'getattr' function.  That is, in Python the syntax xxx.yyy
> refers to the yyy attribute of object xxx, but if the string 'yyy'
> contains characters that are meaningful to Python (like square
> brackets) you can't use the xxx.yyy syntax directly.  Instead, you can
> call the built-in 'getattr' function like so: getattr(xxx,"yyy").
> Regardless of what we decide in the concrete case of brackets, such a
> function should in any case be included in dREL to make it more robust for
> integration into other contexts.
> Regarding the other options, Option 1 assumes a coupling between DDLm
> and dREL, rather than viewing them (at least in a formal sense) as
> independent systems.  Option 3 uses the DDLm system to work around
> what I would call a deficiency in dREL, and produces extra dataitems
> in order to do this.  Given that it is not too late to improve dREL, I
> would prefer to fix it rather than mess with the CIF2 syntax or DDL
> dictionaries



Associate Professor N. Spadaccini, PhD
School of Computer Science & Software Engineering

The University of Western Australia    t: +61 (0)8 6488 3452
35 Stirling Highway                    f: +61 (0)8 6488 1089
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CRICOS Provider Code: 00126G

e: Nick.Spadaccini@uwa.edu.au

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