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Re: [ddlm-group] Wrapping up the elide discussion. .

On Sunday, January 30, 2011 6:41 AM, James Hester wrote:


>It appears that all but Herbert would be prepared to vote for F', and
>even Herbert is prepared to consider F.  No other proposal reaches a
>similar level of acceptance among voting members (and I note that
>non-voting members are also strongly in the F/F' camp).  I would
>therefore like to focus discussion on F' and F as the two choices most
>likely to succeed.
>The single point in favour of F' as opposed to F is that the sequence
><backslash><backslash> has no meaning, which makes it simpler to
>include backslash-rich text (eg LaTeX or RTF).  This continues to be
>of particular concern among our journal colleagues.

Considering that the purpose of all of these proposals is to cover the unlikely event of a need to quote text that contains all three CIF2 multiline quoting delimiters, I'm inclined to discount that advantage.  I would reconsider if someone could point to a relevant flavor of backslash-rich text wherein the multiline delimiters are all relatively likely to appear, and which also has no domain-specific way to elide them.

>The single point that some consider to be in favour of F relative to
>F' is that it is a proper subset of Python syntax.

I don't view that as a particularly strong advantage, but for me, F also has the advantage of feeling more natural.

I slightly prefer F.


John C. Bollinger, Ph.D.
Department of Structural Biology
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

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