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Re: [ddlm-group] DDLm aliases (subject changed). .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .

On Monday, February 14, 2011 10:07 PM, James Hester wrote:

>My own position is to reserve support pending a demonstration of the
>utility of the proposed changes, ie I do not favour accepting these
>changes at this time.

I generally favor the changes, and particularly the changes to the ALIAS category, though I'm uncertain whether the expanded ALIASes are exactly right.  John W. previously opined that it is important to have dictionary version as part of the ALIAS category key, but that branch of the discussion did not proceed.  I was never satisfied that we had really reached an overall conclusion.  I think the debate stopped mainly because Herbert and I were both tired of it.

I understand the desire for a firmer justification -- especially for tag sets, which are a new concept for CIF DDL -- but I am confident that Herbert will be able to demonstrate at least one use for them.  Nevertheless, prototyping and test implementations are sound practice.  Among other things, Herbert might discover a variation on the current definitions that would serve his purposes better.

I will attempt, separately, to assemble brief justification and discussion points for at least the ALIAS-focused changes.

As for the current vote, I vote to accept the changes.  Like David, I recognize that the result may not be the final word on the topic, and in particular I view tag sets as an experimental feature that might not make the final cut.  Nevertheless, I think proposed changes bring DDLm closer to where we want to be.

John C. Bollinger, Ph.D.
Department of Structural Biology
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

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