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[ddlm-group] Candidate final CIF2.0 draft

Dear DDLm group,

As I have said in a recent email, I would like to see a final CIF2.0 draft ready for voting (or even voted on) by Madrid.  I believe this is eminently possible, as we essentially have already voted on a final draft in December 2009, which indicates that we were very close.  Discussion was reopened in order to find a way to introduce an elide into triple-quoted strings, so that arbitrary strings could be included in a CIF.  It has since proved impossible to find a mutually acceptable solution to string eliding. 

The most recent CIF2.0 draft, as distributed yesterday, provides a mechanism for embedding arbitrary text into a CIF, thereby solving the same problem that the elide discussion was seeking to solve.  Furthermore, it removes the need for a large set of text delimiters, meaning that triple quotes could be removed from the draft completely. 

I have therefore edited yesterday's draft to remove all reference to triple-quoted strings and have attached it to this email.

Note that, if triple-quoted strings were removed from the draft, the sequences <quote><quote><quote> and <double quote><double quote><double quote> would be syntax errors, thereby implicitly reserving these sequences for potential future expansion.

(1) Comment on this draft;
(2) If you prefer alternative drafts, please state which one and/or rank the drafts in order of preference.  You may refer to the drafts posted at http://www.iucr.org/resources/cif/spec/cif-2-development

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