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Dear Colleague,

I would like to continue the discussion arisen be A.Spek.

My suggestion is in some sense different from that by Tony Spek. I still do
not like very strongly a separation of "macromolecules" and "other than
macromolecules" (while persomally I am from macromolecules). My strong
feeling is that there is a lot of information to be exchanged between the
two artificially maintained groups and we should put these groups of
researches together and do not push them to different sides.

	As a practical suggestion, I propose two THEMATICAL microsymposia like :

A) molecular crystallographic images
	this can include computing algorithms for data analysis, for image
calculation (if you want, including phasing), image improvement and
interpretation and presentation; graphics etc

B) molecular models
	here we can discuss model construction and refinement, model validation,
model analysis, any kind of algorithms for calculation of potentials,
molecular interaction, again graphics, etc 
	Naturally, less wide themes can be announced is you think these two are
too waste.

And, I agree, a third, teaching microsymposium is quite important.

With best regards,


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International Union of Crystallography

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