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"a.l.spek" wrote:
> Dear Members of the computing SIG,
>         Today I received a message from Andtreas Roodt that the program
> is now official.
> All our five proposals for sessions are on the program:
> 1 - Automatic Structure Determination: Challenges for the Future.
>     Chair/Cochair A.L.Spek/D.Billing
> 2 - Modern Programming Languages and Programming Techniques
>     Can they lead to higher reliability and programmer productivity?
>     Chair/Co-chair L.Cranswick/J.Dillen
> 3 - Diffraction Image processing and Data Quality.
>     Chair/Co-chair E. Dodson/S.Parsons
> 4 - Algorithms of the future.
>     Chair/Co-chair D. Watkin/S. Urzhumtsev.
> 5 - Indexing Powder Diffraction Patterns:
>     An Opportunity for new heuristic and global optimisation methods
>     Chair/Co-chair R.Shirley + ?
> Please don't heasitate to communicate suggestions for speakers on
> the above subjects (preferably to the appropriate chairpersons with
> a CC to the chaiman a.l.spek@chem.uu.nl).
> Note: There will be a 'free-of-charge' one day workshop organised by
> Lachlan Cranswick aug 24 2003.
> Best wishes
> Ton Spek
> Chairman SIG #9

Dear Ton,
  We have sought out several speakers already and have the beginning of
a session on Diffraction Image processing and Data Quality.

 Could I suggest some people who may have expertise in some of the other
areas. I am trying to persuade as many people as possible to come.. 

1) Automatic structure solution - the people at CCP4 are working on
scripting to link tasks. Someone may be coming to a commercial

2) Kevin Cowtan is writing basic crystallographic libraries inh C++
which should be accessible for many applications.

 This is in parallel to the work done in USA - Ralf Grosse-K?? has
written cctbx, which handles all symmetry libraries.

It would be good to have either or both of them contribute to the Modern
Programming Techniques section.

I have Emails if the Chair/ co Chairs are interested in following any of
these up ..

 Best wishes Eleanor

> #===========================================================================
> # Prof. Dr. A.L.Spek, Laboratory of Crystal and Structural Chemistry       #
> # Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research, Utrecht University.            #
> # (Kruytgebouw, room N801), Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht, The Netherlands. #
> # E-mail: a.l.spek@chem.uu.nl       http://www.cryst.chem.uu.nl/           #
> #                                   http://www.cryst.chem.uu.nl/platon/    #
> #                                   anonymous ftp: xraysoft.chem.uu.nl     #
> # FAX   : (31)-30-2533940           PHONE : (31)-30-2532538/2533/3902/3502 #
> #===========================================================================

Eleanor J.Dodson, York Structural Biology Laboratory,
                  Chemistry Department, 
                  University of York, Y01 5DD Heslington, U.K.
Tel: Work: +44 (1904) 32 82 53  Home +44 (1904) 42 44 49

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