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[SA_scat] Postdoc position in the UK

From: Ted Forgan [mailto:ted.forgan@googlemail.com] 
Sent: 24 March 2009 14:04
To: neutron@neutronsources.org
Subject: [Neutron] Postdoc position in the UK

The EPSRC has recently awarded us a £750,000 grant for 3 years, which includes the purchase of a cryomagnet of novel design, to carry out small-angle neutron scattering studies at unprecedented high fields up to 17 T, with a sample temperature range from 1.5 - 300 K. This cryomagnet will be transportable, and we envisage using it at ISIS, ILL, PSI and FRM-II for anything from flux lines in superconductors to aligned organic structures.

As part of this project, we are looking to hire a Research Fellow for
33-36 months.  Please forward this information to anyone who might be suitable.  Further details can be found here:
or by contacting Ted Forgan (e.m.forgan@bham.ac.uk).

We shall be happy to work with people who have experiments that could use this 17T magnet.  We expect it to be operational from early 2010, and we would be delighted to hear from you.  If you have any questions regarding the magnet specifications, please get in touch.  There is the technical possibility to extend the temperature range down to 0.3 K.  We would welcome input from collaborators who would be interested in supporting this extension.

                  Ted Forgan, Elizabeth Blackburn
Prof. E.M. (Ted) Forgan
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