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[SA_Scat] SAXS Round Robin results

Dear all,
I know it is a bit unusual to highlight papers on this mailing list, but I think this might interest most of you:
The results of the SAXS Round Robin study have been published, demonstrating that SAXS is really as good as we claim it to be. At least for nanoparticle dispersions, we showed surprisingly good agreement between the results (distribution mean, width and particle concentration) from a wide range of laboratories and instruments. Specifically, the SAXS-determined mean sizes, distribution widths and concentration vary by 1, 10, and 10% (standard deviation), respectively.
The publication is accompanied by a plethora of SI including the 45 datasets. Please forward to anyone you think would be happy to read it!

—Dr. ir. Brian Richard Pauwhttp://lookingatnothing.com/_______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat

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