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canSAS 3 Reminder

Title: canSAS 3 Reminder

>From Wim Bras (DUBBLE-CRG/ESRF), Els Homan (EMBL), Claudio Ferrero
    Peter Timmins, Charles Dewhurst, Ron Ghosh (ILL)

Replies please to:  sas@ill.fr

        canSAS-3   Grenoble   17th - 19th May 2001
    Collective Action for Nomadic Small-Angle Scatterers


1. Please accept another missive; we emphasise we are happy to
receive comments from non-participants, especially if they
are likely to fuel discussions.  The web page has been updated
several times.

2. Aims of the meeting
- the principal debate will concern data formats
- we have (a growing) number of packages being used for data analysis
 these will be reviewed, hence participants are requested to offer
 demonstrations of their work
- we would like presentations of recent analysis successes, and
 current software challenges
- novel techniques for analysis of SAS data
- preparation of results for presentation through the IUCR and SAS2002
- if the data aspects of canSAS can be resolved then the future meetings
 should be planned to concentrate on aspects of developing and
 scientific applications.

3. Technical components
 The discussion on formats will inevitably profit if particpants are
willing to undertake a little homework on:
NeXus   http://www.neutron.anl.gov/nexus
sasCIF  http://www.embl-hamburg.de/ExternalInfo/Research/Sax/sascif.html
HDF     http://hdf.ncsa.uiuc.edu

4. To enhance general scientific interest at the meeting we request that
each participant is prepared to talk for 10-15 minutes on recent
tools, or novel packages of relevance to the SAS user community.  Please
let us know your subject title, and whether you require special
HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE to be made available for a demonstration.  We
will then arrange the subjects and update the meeting programme.

5. Although we have designated April 18th as closing date for
registration we will keep some rooms reserved for a further
period of two weeks for additional participants wishing to come.

6.For those wishing to pay in advance the necessary bank references are:
Bank: B.N.P Grenoble
Account reference: Workshop W05800
reference RIB 30004 00617 00022672370 80
IBAN (International Bank Account Number) FR76 3000 4006 1700 0226 7237

The costs are Guesthouse bed+breakfast  164.20FF per night
                    Conference dinner  300.00FF
Please send an email to sas@ill.fr if you arrange for such a transfer,
or have any other comments.

       from Ron Ghosh and Claudio Ferrero
       on behalf of all organisers

For canSAS - W. Bras, C. Ferrero, E. Homan, C. Dewhurst, P. Timmins R.
Institut Laue Langevin, B.P. 156  cedex 9, Grenoble, 38042 FRANCE
Karine Sultan, Workshop secretary: +33-476207356    fax: +33-476483906