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Collective Aid for Nomadic Small-Angle Scatterers (canSAS)

  • Subject: Collective Aid for Nomadic Small-Angle Scatterers (canSAS)
  • From: SAS workshop <sas@ill.fr>
  • Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 16:50:16 +0100
ILL and ESRF have invited a selected group of experts to Grenoble for a
workshop on "Collective Aid for Nomadic Small-Angle Scatterers" or
"canSAS". The workshop will be held in Grenoble between the 4th and the
6th of February, 1998. Data handling between laboratories is the main
focus of this activity, in the hope that the SAS user community can be
provided with better tools for analyzing and interpreting SAS data after
they have come home from the experimental floor.

Members of the worldwide small-angle scattering community are hereby
invited to look in on the activities of the workshop participants at URL
http://www.ill.fr/lss/canSAS/main.html. Your suggestions and comments
on data formats and descriptions will be most welcome.  Please, contact
the representatives from the Institutes that you know so they can collate
these external contributions and present them at our meeting.

The list of proposed participants is:

Dr. John BARNES                 john.barnes@nist.gov
Dr. Alexander BERGMANN          bergmana@balu.kfunigraz.ac.at
Dr. Peter BIEMANN               peter.biemann@GKSS.de
Dr. Peter BOESECKE              boesecke@mpghdb.desy.de
Dr. Malcolm CAPEL               capel@crim12b.nsls.bnl.gov
Dr. Richard DENNY               r.denny@dl.ac.uk
Dr. Stefan FORTHMANN            stefan.forthmann@GKSS.de
Dr. Tetsuro FUJISAWA            fujisawa@sp8sun.spring8.or.jp
Dr. Bill HAMILTON               hw5@ornl.gov
Dr. H.G. HAUBOLD                H.-g.haubold@fz-juelich.de
Dr. Richard HEENAN              r.heenan@rl.ac.uk
Dr. Rex HJELM                   Hjelm@lanl.gov
Dr. Uwe KEIDERLING              keiderling@hmi.de
Dr. S. KIMURA                   kimura@dokkyomed.ac.jp
Dr. Przemek KLOSOWSKI           przemek@rrdjazz.nist.gov
Dr. Mark KOENNECK		mark.koennecke@psi.ch
Dr. Joachim KOHLBRECHER         joachim.kohlbrecher@psi.ch
Dr. G. LAMPERT                  lampert@hmi.de
Dr. Pierre LESIEUR              lesieur@phenix.lure.u-psud.fr
Dr. U. LODE                     lode@desy.de
Dr. Marc MALFOIS                malfois@embl-hamburg.de
Dr. G. MANT                     g.r.mant@dl.ac.uk
Dr. G. Meier                    g.meier@fz-juelich.de
Dr. Thomas  NAWROTH             Nawroth@mzdmza.zdv.uni-mainz.de
Dr. E. PANTOS                   E.Pantos@dl.ac.uk>
Dr. W. PYCKHOUT-HINTZEN         w.pyckhout@fz-juelich.de
Dr. Adrian RENNIE               rennie@gordon.cryst.bbk.ac.uk
Dr. Dieter SCHNEIDER            schneider@bio.bnl.gov
Dr. Jean-Marc SCHNEIDER         schneider@iap.phys.ethz.ch
Dr. Norbert STRIBECK            stribeck@vxdesy.desy.de
Dr. P. THIYAGARAJAN             Thyaga@anl.gov

        Yours sincerely,

                        canSAS Organisers  (sas@ill.fr)

Wim Bras, ESRF/DUBBLE-crg,  bras@esrf.fr
Claudio Ferrero, ESRF, ferrero@esrf.fr
Peter Timmins, ILL, timmins@ill.fr
Roland May, ILL, may@ill.fr
Ron Ghosh, ILL, ron@ill.fr