This is an archive copy of the Crystallography World Wide component of the IUCr web site dating from 2008. For current content please visit the NEWS, PEOPLE and RESOURCES sections of
[IUCr Home Page] Crystallography World Wide

Crystallography World Wide Editor

Crystallography World Wide (CWW) is run by the Crystallography World Wide Editor who can be contacted at the e-mail address: At present the CWW editor is Simon Parsons of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

The reference URL of CWW is but it is also available from accredited mirror sites indicated at

CWW is an integral part of the International Union of Crystallography's information service at

The e-mail address of the Crystallography World Wide Editor is

If you are wondering how to have a hyperlink to your own WWW pages or someother information displayed or referenced from CWW then please send the information by e-mail to .

Howard Flack wrote a status report in March 1995 concerning the setting up and running of this server and published an article called World Wide Web for Crystallography [ H. D. Flack (1996). J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 101, 375-380]. Helpful information concerning the use of the World Wide Web and the Internet is to be found in A Crystallographer's Guide to Internet Tools and Resources.

25rd June 2001 - Copyright © International Union of Crystallography