International Union of Crystallography

Beamline papers

About a year ago I wrote in the IUCr Newsletter about the lack of recognition that was felt by scientists working at the large research infrastructures such as synchrotrons. I was confirmed in my belief that this represented a major problem from the many reactions I received after the letter appeared. It is a problem that is not easy to solve, but as a result of a meeting with beamline scientists at the Biology and Synchrotron Radiation congress in Melbourne last February, the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (JSR) has introduced a special format for papers that can be used to describe and give details about beamlines. A paper describing a beamline makes it easy for the users of the beamline to give a reference to the beamline, so it is my hope that many beamline scientists can find the time to submit this special type of paper to JSR.

[beamline] [schematic of beamline]

More details of the format of beamline papers and how to submit such papers for publication are available from the web pages of JSR.

Sine Larsen