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IUCr 1997 Report - Int. Tables Volume A1 (formerly H). Maximal Subgroups of Space and Plane Groups

Volume A1 provides complete tables and diagrams of the maximal subgroups for each space and plane group; for the contents see the Report of the Executive Committee for 1995 [Acta Cryst. (1996), A52, 962].

The input of the data into the templates for the tables has been completed. All tables could be printed provisionally from the LaTeX manuscript in the style of International Tables, Volume A. At a meeting in Karlsruhe the homogenization of the data on isomorphic subgroups (derived by Y. Billiet in 1993/1994) and the data on non-isomorphic subgroups (derived in Karlsruhe before 1990) was put forward. There are still questions to be settled in 1998.

The main tasks in 1997 were the alignment of the style files for the tables to the style of the International Tables standard and the checking of the table contents. The alignment is almost finished as far as the authors are concerned. The checking has been performed by hand as well as by computer, using the GAP system of mathematical programs. In addition, the user's guide and the theoretical part have been tackled.

In 1998 the checking of the data, the homogenization of the data, and the text parts are to be completed. The manuscript is planned to be finished by the end of 1998.

Editor H. Wondratschek

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Updated 20th October 1998

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