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1.3 Notation for position and displacement vectors
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1.3 Notation for position and displacement vectors

Some notation to be used in this report for basis vectors and their components is summarized here. The local instantaneous atomic position vector is denoted by r+u, with r the mean atomic position vector and u the displacement vector of an atom from its mean position. We use the symbols tex2html_wrap_inline2480 , and tex2html_wrap_inline2482 , as is common, for the lengths of the reciprocal axes.

Quantities referred to the direct lattice basis, a, b, c (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2484 ) :

    Components of r: x, y, z (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2486 ).

    Components of u: tex2html_wrap_inline2488 (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2490 ).

    Related anisotropic displacement parameter: tex2html_wrap_inline2492 ; (dimensionless).

Quantities referred to the basis tex2html_wrap_inline2494 (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2496 ):

    Components of r: tex2html_wrap_inline2498 (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2500 ).

    Components of u: tex2html_wrap_inline2502 (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2504 ).

    Related anisotropic displacement parameter: tex2html_wrap_inline2506 ; (length)2 .

Quantities referred to the Cartesian basis tex2html_wrap_inline2510 ):

    Components of r: tex2html_wrap_inline2512 (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2514 ).

    Components of u: tex2html_wrap_inline2516 (or equivalently tex2html_wrap_inline2518 ).

    Related anisotropic displacement parameter: tex2html_wrap_inline2520 ; (length)2 .

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