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Fetch author proof

Welcome to the facility for downloading proofs of papers in production for IUCr journals. Use of this facility is restricted to bona-fide authors of papers accepted for publication. All downloads are logged.

The proof will be sent as an Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) data stream or file. You may need to configure a helper application such as Adobe Acrobat Reader within your browser, and it may be necessary to experiment to find a suitable format.

Enter the surname of one author and paper code to retrieve proof.

Name (mandatory)

Paper reference code (mandatory)

Receive result as pdf stream pdf file


  1. Both the surname of one author and the reference code must be supplied.
  2. Search is case-insensitive.
  3. Supply the reference code as a combination of 2 letters and 4 numbers (with leading zeros if necessary), e.g. CQ1045, rt0023.
  4. The result will be downloaded as an Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf) data stream (by default) or pdf file (if chosen above).
  5. Please use this facility to obtain your proofs only after receiving notification from the technical editor handling your paper that the proofs are ready.

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