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IUCr 1993 Triennial Report - Asian Crystallographic Association (AsCA)

The AsCA Executive for the 1990-93 triennium is as follows: President: N. Kasai (Japan); Vice-President: Fang-ming Miao (China); Secretary-Treasurer: Yu Wang (Taiwan). The main event of AsCA activities in 1992 was the Inaugural Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, AsCA '92, which was held at the Regional English Language Centre (RELC), Singapore, 14-16 November 1992. A. Authier, President of the IUCr, and H. H. Huang, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, National University of Singapore, accepted an invitation and attended the opening ceremony of AsCA '92. The total registration was 320 with 260 full participants and 60 students, excluding 30 accompanied persons. This was 60% more participants than initially estimated. Several difficulties which were encountered due to the unexpectedly large attendance (the ideal capacity of the venue was 250-275) were solved by the kind cooperation of the executive members of the Organizing Committee with the staff at the RELC. The scientific programme consisted of 16 oral sessions with 73 papers and 22 poster topics with 190 papers.

A Committee of the Crystallographic Society of Japan, CrSJ, distributed the Japanese Young Scientists Funds, contributed from 29 enterprises, to 26 young scientists and an independent Committee in Australia also distributed funds from the Society of Crystallographers in Australia, SCA, to 15 applicants, so that no Japanese or Australian applications were considered for the IUCr grant of US $7500 towards assistance for young scientists.

The success of AsCA '92 was a tribute to the organizers, to the sponsors and to the participants, but it is noted that the success is partly due to the fact that the SCA and CrSJ decided to hold their joint annual meetings under the auspices of the AsCA in order to promote the Inaugural Conference of the AsCA.

Several newsletters of the AsCA have been published in the triennium.

14 May 1993                                J. HARADA, Representative

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Updated 30th March 1997

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