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IUCr 1993 16th General Assembly - Non-publishing Commissions. Reports by Chairmen and review of activities

The reports of the Commissions on their activities since the Fifteenth General Assembly had been distributed to the National Committees and the Commissions in June 1993. The reports are reprinted in Annex I, Appendix D. The reports were taken as read, but the Chairman of each Commission, or his alternate, was invited to say a few words about any further developments and to answer any questions. W. SCHÜLKE (Commission on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities) noted that although his Commission had applied for five Microsymposia at this Congress they had received only one. D. C. CREAGH (Commission on Crystallographic Apparatus) reported that in future the Commission would be concentrating more on the apparatus side and would try to link in with the work of the Commission on Powder Diffraction. F. H. ALLEN (Commission on Crystallographic Data) reported that a technical sub-committee (COMCIFS) had been established to supervise the maintenance of standards in CIFs. This sub-committee would report to the Executive Committee. He added that contact with the crystallographic databases (which now contained some 200 000 structures) was continuing.

W. T. ROBINSON encouraged others to participate in the IUCr Visiting Professorship Programme (coordinated by the Commission on Crystallographic Teaching) as he had found this very rewarding. J. M. COWLEY (Commission on Electron Diffraction) reported that the Summer School on Electron Crystallography held the previous week in Beijing had been very successful. S. A. MASON (Commission on Neutron Diffraction) similarly reported that the Satellite Meeting on Neutron Scattering held at Beidaihe, 17-19 August, had been successful. R. A. YOUNG (Commission on Powder Diffraction) also expressed support for the Visiting Professorship Programme, which had been of great benefit for his Commission. J. R. HELLIWELL (Commission on Synchrotron Radiation) noted that his Commission had had a major input in connection with the launch of the Journal of Synchrotron Radiation and that S. S. Hasnain had been particularly active in canvassing the major synchrotron facilities throughout the world. He added that the European Synchrotron Radiation Source in Grenoble had now passed its commissioning.

The President summarized the background to the establishment of the ad interim Commission on Aperiodic Crystals. J. M. PÉREZ-MATO then summarized his report.

The General Assembly accepted all the reports that had been received on the activities of the non-publishing Commissions.

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Updated 29th March 1997

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