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IUCr 1993 16th General Assembly - Election of Officers of the Union

The nominations made by the Executive Committee for Officers of the Union had been included in the Agenda papers distributed in June 1993. P. Coppens was nominated for President, Yu. T. Struchkov for Vice-President and A. I. Hordvik for General Secretary and Treasurer. For the first time six nominations were made for the three vacancies for Ordinary Members for the normal six-year term: E. N. Baker (New Zealand), M. Hart (UK), K. Huml (Czech Republic), Y. Mascarenhas (Brazil), I. Olovsson (Sweden) and H. Schenk (The Netherlands). No other nominations were made by the delegates. Elections for the three Ordinary Members were held by secret ballot. The following nominees were elected:

P. Coppens (USA)
Yu. T. Struchkov (Russia)
General Secretary and Treasurer:
A. I. Hordvik (Norway)
Ordinary Members (six years):
E. N. Baker (New Zealand)
M. Hart (UK)
H. Schenk (The Netherlands)

The newly elected President congratulated the new members of the Executive Committee. He said that he had first attended an IUCr Congress in 1960 as a PhD student and that he now had many friends and colleagues in the IUCr and was much indebted to it. He invited crystallographers with professional problems or with new ideas for projects or publications to come to him or to any member of the Executive Committee. He commented that the last triennium had been very productive and thanked the retiring members of the Executive Committee for all that they had done. In particular, he thanked the retiring President for his leadership which had resulted in the IUCr becoming more vibrant. There being no further business, and therefore no need for the final session of the General Assembly which had been scheduled for Saturday 28 August, the President declared the Sixteenth General Assembly closed at 9.25 p.m.

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Updated 16th May 1997

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