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IUCr 1996 Triennial Executive Committee Report - Acknowledgements

On behalf of the IUCr, the Executive Committee wishes to express its deep gratitude to the US National Committee for Crystallography, in collaboration with the American Crystallographic Association, and the National Academy of Sciences of the United States for the invitation to hold the Seventeenth General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography in Seattle. It particularly wishes to thank the Chairman of the Programme Committee, Dr W. L. Duax, and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Professor R. F. Bryan.

The continuing support shown by UNESCO in the form of its annual subvention received by the IUCr through ICSU, and the support of ICSU itself, is gratefully acknowledged.

Finally, the Executive Committee wishes to thank all crystallographers who have assisted in the work of the IUCr in so many ways. This cooperation between crystallographers of different nationalities constitutes a most valuable aspect of the IUCr's activities.

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Updated 7th October 1997

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