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IUCr 1996 Triennial Report - Commission on Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials

The Commission continued its tradition of organizing international schools on crystal growth and characterization with the aim to train young scientists, mainly from economically disadvantaged countries. The following two schools were held:

(1) The International School on Growth and Characterization of Crystals, which was held 4-14 September 1994 in Krynica, Poland, for young scientists from East European countries. The organization of the school was in the hands of Professor S. Hodorowitz (Cracow) and Professor K. Sangwal (Lublin). Several present and previous members of the Commission were engaged in the International Programme Committee and acted as lecturers. The number of participants was 29, most from East European countries. The school was sponsored and financially supported by the IUCr and by Polish Institutions. Ten participants received IUCr Young Scientist Awards.

(2) The International School on Advanced Electronic Materials was held 6-15 February 1995 in the Crystal Growth Centre of Anna University, Madras, India. The Commission was strongly engaged in the International Programme Committee with six present and two past Commission members. Three members acted as lecturers. The local organization was carried out by Professor C. Subramanian and his staff. The total number of participants (without lecturers) was 102, about 90 from India and nine from neighbouring Asian countries. The school was sponsored by the IUCr, mainly for the support of 16 young scientists, by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste (Italy), and by Indian Institutions. A serious problem arising during the organization of the international school in Madras should be noted: despite the sponsorships mentioned above, it was not possible to grant travel support to the lecturers. Therefore, with the invitation the lecturers were requested to try raising travel funds from their home institutions or own sources. This action was successful: despite some resignations, 16 speakers from European countries and Japan and 7 Indian speakers were recruited, and a programme of 46 lectures, covering the fundamentals and all essential techniques of bulk and epitaxic crystal growth, including characterization, was established.

The Commission helped to organize the 2nd European Symposium on X-ray Topography and High-Resolution Diffraction, which was held 5-8 September 1994 in Gosen (near Berlin, Germany). About 220 scientists attended the symposium, 138 from West European countries, 62 from East European countries and 16 from countries outside Europe (mainly USA and Japan). 192 contributions (43 oral, including reviews and invited reports, and 149 posters) were presented. This relatively high number of participants and scientific contributions clearly demonstrates the great and worldwide interest in symposia on these topics. The symposium was sponsored and financially supported by the IUCr and other national and international Institutions. 11 participants received IUCr Young Scientist Awards.

The Commission recommended IUCr sponsorship of the following International Conferences: Sixth International Conference on Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules (ICCBM-6), 12-17 November 1995, Hiroshima, Japan; Fourth International Symposium on Ferroic Domains and Mesoscopic Structures (ISFD-4), 25-30 March 1996, Vienna, Austria.

In addition, the Commission helped with the scientific programme of the forthcoming Seattle Congress by suggesting topics, microsymposia Chairs/Co-Chairs and speakers in the fields of crystal growth and defect characterization. Four microsymposia on crystal growth were established, three (Fundamentals; Methods and Materials; and Controlling and Prediction of Crystal Morphology) being subject to the care and responsibility of the Commission Chairman.

During the Eleventh International Congress on Crystal Growth (ICCG-11), 18-23 June 1995, The Hague, The Netherlands, the Commission Chairman attended the council meeting of the International Organization of Crystal Growth (IOCG). Among the various topics on the agenda (see report on the IOCG), following an initiative of the Commission, stronger interaction and cooperation of the IUCr and the IOCG in fields of common interest were discussed. It was agreed to consider holding a joint symposium on the characterization of crystal perfection.

17 May 1996 H. KLAPPER, Chairman

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Updated 16th October 1997

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