Logos and photos from past IUCr Congresses.
Old series (1993-2017)
Editors: William L. Duax, Judith Flippen-Anderson

Contents of issue

Letter from the President

Letter from the President
Yuji Ohashi

Letter to the Editor

Need for elemental analysis
David Beveridge

Letter to the Editor

Proposal to change Statutes
Jim Kaduk

IUCr journals news

An investigation into structural changes due to deuteration
S.J. FisherJ.R. Helliwell

IUCr journals news

I.Y.H. ChanR. Bishop, D.C. Craig, M.L. ScudderW. Yue

IUCr journals news

Structure of mouse ADP-ribosylhydrolase 3 (mARH3)
C. Mueller-DieckmannS. Kernstock, J. Mueller-Dieckmann, M.S. WeissF. Koch-Nolte

IUCr journals news

Migration of mercury from dental amalgam through human teeth
H.H. HarrisS. Vogt, H. Eastgate, D.G. Legnini, B. Hornberger, Z. Cai, B. LaiP.A. Lay

Meeting report

Croatian-Slovenian meeting
S. PopovicI. Leban

Meeting report

Reminiscences from HEC-X
Mariusz Jaskolski

Meeting report

Size-strain V
E.J. MittemeijerP. Scardi

Meeting report

Erice International school of crystallography
Howard Einspahr


John Stezowski (1942-2007)
William. L. Duax


Xavier Solans Huguet (1949-2007)
M. ArriortuaS. Galí, C. Miravitlles, J. F. PiniellaJ. Rius

Book review

Avoid Boring People, James D. Watson
Derry W Jones

Awards and prizes

BCA CCG Poster Prize
Richard Cooper