Crystallographic Information Framework


Usage Example: V8-0-08

----------------DICT-OBJ-FILE Usage Examples-------------

1. Creating the dictionary object file and writing it to the persistent storage file.

2. Reading the dictionary object file from the persistent storage file and accessing its objects

#include "DictObjFile.h"
#include "DictObjCont.h"

    ** Example 1: How to create a dictionary object file and write it to the
    **   persistent storage file.

    // The (absolute or relative) name of the dictionary file should be
    // stored in dictFileName
    string dictFileName;
    // The (absolute or relative) name of the DDL file should be
    // stored in ddlFileName
    string ddlFileName;

    // The (absolute or relative) name of the persistent storage file for
    // the dictionary object file should be stored in persStoreFileName
    string persStoreFileName;

    // Create dictionary object file
    DictObjFile dictObjFile(persStoreFileName, dictFileName, ddlFileName);

    // Build dictionary object (this will also parse and process the
    // dictionary)

    // Write the dictionary object file to the persistent storage file
    // (with the name persStoreFileName)


    ** Example 2: How to read the content of a dictionary object file from
    **   the persistent storage file and access its objects.

    // The (absolute or relative) name of the persistent storage file for the
    // dictionary object file should be stored in persStoreFileName
    string persStoreFileName;

    // The name of the dictionary (block)
    string dictName;

    // Item name
    string itemName;

    // Create dictionary object file
    DictObjFile dictObjFile(persStoreFileName);

    // Read the dictonary object file from the persistent storage file

    // Get access to the dictonary object container with the name dictName
    DictObjCont& dictObjCont = dictObjFile.GetDictObjCont(dictName);

    // Get and print dictionary title
    const vector<string>& title = dictObjCont.GetAttribute(ObjContInfo::CIF_DDL_CATEGORY_DICTIONARY, ObjContInfo::CIF_DDL_ITEM_TITLE);

    cout << "Dictionary " << dictName << "\'s title: " << title[0] << endl;

    // Get access to an item object container with the name itemName
    ObjCont& itemCont = dictObjCont.GetObjCont(itemName, RcsbItem);

    // Get and print item's construct attribute values
    const vector<string>& construct = itemCont.GetAttribute(ObjContInfo::CIF_DDL_CATEGORY_ITEM_TYPE_LIST, ObjContInfo::CIF_DDL_ITEM_CONSTRUCT);

    cout << "Item: " << itemName << "\'s construct attribute values: " << endl;
    for (unsigned int conI = 0; conI < construct.size(); ++conI)
        cout << construct[conI] << endl;