Crystallographic resources

Crystallographic software list

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X0h Web interface to compute crystal susceptibilities for medium-energy X-rays (0.1–10Å) for some crystals. Also provides the Bragg peak halfwidth, extinction and absorption lengths. Uses International Tables for f' and f" and interpolates them for intermediate wavelengths with the help of algorithm. Results must be treated with care in a close vicinity of absorption edges. Lugovskaya, O.M. & Stepanov, S.A. (1991). Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 36, 478–481.
XABS2 Empirical absorption correction program from Davis
XAct Application that can be used to construct, maintain, and record the results of many crystallisation experiments. Through an extensive object-oriented data structure, the program supports multiple users each with many crystallisation experiments organised in a hierarchical fashion.
XAS-Collect Flexible user-friendly standard for XAS data acquisition. Incorporates automated features and design to facilitate a rapid experimental startup. To further assist in startup, the software has been designed to perform an XAS experiment in logical steps, starting with beamline alignment, then detector setup, file preparation, and initializing an experimental run.
XBroad A public domain program designed for easy determination of basic microstructural information from powder X-ray diffraction data.
XCAD4 Lp-correction of ENRAF-NONIUS CAD4-diffractometer data. Program written by Klaus Harms, University of Marburg.
XCrySDen XCrySDen is a crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program aiming at display of isosurfaces and contours, which can be superimposed on crystalline structures and interactively rotated and manipulated. It runs on GNU/Linux.
XD2016 A Computer Program Package for Multipole Refinement, Topological Analysis of Charge Densities and Evaluation of Intermolecular Energies from Experimental and Theoretical Structure Factors
XDSAPP Graphical user interface for the convenient processing of diffraction data using XDS.
XFIT Peak fitting program by Alan Coelho and Bob Cheary.
XITE X-based Image processing Tools and Environment
XLAT (LSQ) program for the precise refinement of cell constants. Limited to the more frequent cases of higher symmetry, ie. cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal and orthorhombic unit cells.
XLMCTEP Graphic representation of small crystallographic structures.
XmMol XmMol is a desktop macromolecular visualization and modeling tool designed to be easy to use, configure and enhance. Includes: interactive graphics of macromolecules, strong ability to be interfaced with external programs, some modelling tools and more.
XMol Molecule viewer and format converter developed by Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc. (MSCI).
XND Rietveld refinement program for real time powder diffraction patterns. The aim of the program is to provide an easy approach to the treatment of multiple diffraction patterns arising from a large number of physical and chemical problems as the study of phase transition and in the real time monitoring of reactions.
Xop Widget based interface which drives different programs to compute synchrotron radiation source spectra (bending magnet, wigglers and undulators), reflection and transmission characteristics of optical elements such as mirror, filters, flat crystals, bent perfect crystals, and multilayers. Also includesprograms for multi-purpose data analysis and visualization.
XPACE Python script to store and analyse the outcome of the factorial designs of macromolecular crystallization experiments for X-ray diffraction.
X-PLOR Simulated annealing refinement. The new release, X-PLOR 98.0 offers substantial new capabilities for both X-ray crystallographic and NMR structure refinement including: maximum likelihood methods for X-ray structure refinement; optimized torsion angle dynamic (TAD) methods; Validated scripts for TAD with NMR distance restraints; ambiguous restraints for iterative assignment (ARIA) technology; novel technology for NOE refinement.
X-PLOR GUI Graphical user interface to facilitate input of data, submission of computation tasks and progress monitoring for X-PLOR jobs.
X-PLOR Hetero compounds library X-PLOR topology and parameter files for hetero compounds. The entries were generated automatically with the XPLO2D program from the hetero.pdb collection from Uppsala.
XPLOT Manipulation of XRD scan data for powdered samples.
XPMA Mouse-driven menu-based graphical program for the manipulation of crystal structures.
XPowder This program can collect data from diffractometer (from any kind of diffractometer), this software includes some analysis tools. See also
XR95 Simulation of diffraction patterns for various X-ray techniques.
XRAYACS LP corrections for single crystal X-ray data from CAD4 for SHELX set of programs. Also empirical absorption corrections (on F or F^2) using (upto 100 sets of) psi data! or similar to DIFABS (references are given in the program). Other minor programs are available.
Xraydif1 Shareware version of theoretical, X-ray powder diffraction, profile simulator by Todd Warren Snyder.
X-Ray Diffraction Simulator Provides a graphical user interface to a computer simulation of x-ray powder diffraction of two-dimensional crystals.
X-Ray interaction with matter A number of X-ray calculations through a web form. For instance: X-ray reflectivity, X-ray transmission.
XRAYSCAN Indexing program considering dense spurious peaks in an optimization method. Hwang, J.S. & Tien, C. (1996). Chin. J. Phys. 34, 47-57.
XRayView Teaching Aid for X-ray Crystallography
XRD2DScan Tool for displaying and analyzing two-dimensional (2D) X-ray diffraction patterns collected using a diffractometer equipped with a 2D or area detector. Can find the direct beam or the pattern center even when detector is at a angle different from zero. It can calculated different types of scans, also work in batch mode to analyse many data files.
XRDA XRDA 3.1 is meant to accomplish the complete handling and analysis of X-ray diffraction data, recorded in either the energy-dispersive or angle-dispersive mode. The analysis per se is done following six major steps: (1) peak profile fittings using preset common profile functions or user-defined profile functions (2) organization of X-ray diffraction lines under different groups (phases) if a pattern is one of a multi-phase sample (3) assignment of Miller indices to the fitted lines (4) definition of the Bravais lattice and the atomic positions for each phase as required (5) lattice parameter fitting and diffraction intensity calculation.
XRDCALC Powder diffraction utility for converting and plotting powder diffraction data. Calculates d-spacings and two-theta and plots two-theta or d-spacing vs intensity stick plots and peak profiles.
XrfTable A program that computes X-ray excitation and absorption wavelength and replaces the traditional crystal table. It acts also as an XRF spectrometer simulator, which helps predicting most problems commonly encountered by the spectroscopist. Now obsolete.
XRS X-ray Rietveld system collection of programs for crystal structural analysis with powder diffraction data. It provides routines at all levels of the analysis - examples are Fourier transforms and least-squares refinements, and also programs to aid in the interpretation and publication of the refined results.
XR-shape Subprogram of XR95 compiled for separate release. It allows you to draw the habit of a crystal after giving the indices of the planes (hkl) and their distances from the origin. T
XRSV a program for displaying structure on a PC-AT.
Xtal Package of 60 programs oriented towards small molecule automated structure solution, refinement, visualization, preparing publication quality tables and ORTEPs, CIF reading and writing. Additional leanings towards high precision charge density work - atomic charge calculations, contour and electric field maps +powder pattern calculation and visualization. Developed at the University of Western Australia.
Xtal-3D 3D crystal structures in VRML from the ILL Diffraction Group.
XTAL4POV Crystal shape generator by Klaus Kosten,
Xtalbase data management system for macromolecular crystallography. Developed in order to aid the crystallographer in designing, preparing, documenting and evaluating crystallization experiments.
Xtaldraw Interactive computer graphics program. Displays, manipulates and analyzes ball and stick, polyhedral and thermal ellipsoid colored drawings of any crystal structure or molecule.
Xtal_GX Xtal_GX consists of a subset of the Xtal 3.4 programs necessary for reading and writing CIFs, preparing publication quality postscript or HPGL figures of molecules and cells, and interactively displaying and manipulating the structural geometry. Extensive documentation is also available in postscript format.
XtalView Package for fitting electron density maps and solving structures by MIR and MAD written by Duncan McRee at Scripps.
XYLEM Create and manipulate database subsets.