This is an archive copy of the SinCris component of the IUCr web site dating from 2008. For current content please visit the RESOURCES section of


home    software section

What is NAOMI?

NAOMI is an easy-to-use, state-of-the-art computer program which is aimed at both specialist and non-specialist researchers who make use of three-dimensional structures of proteins in their work. It has hundreds of users Worldwide.

Some facilities offered by the program for working with structure include:

More details are available on the Web site.

Upgrade features

Upgrade features : Side-chain manipulations now include hydrogen atoms where appropriate. This makes for more seamless integration with X-PLOR (e.g. for molecular dynamics simulations, energy minimization, NMR structure calculation etc after manipulation of protein structures using NAOMI).


NAOMI currently works only on Silicon Graphics workstations running IRIX 5.

Users of versions older than 2.10 will need new license keys to allow the upgrade to work (please contact the author in this case).

Simon M. Brocklehurst
Oxford Centre for Molecular Sciences
Department of Biochemistry
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Please send your comments and your suggestions to Yves Epelboin, .

Last update January 04 1996 Y.E.
This service is made available through a grant from CNRS and Ministère de l'Education Nationale