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SinCris World Directory of Powder Diffraction Programs

home    software section

Release 1995

by Syb Gorter and Deane K. Smith


The World Directory of Powder Diffraction Programs is a continuing project with the goal to identify and catalogue all the programs available for powder diffraction analysis. It is a joint project of Syb Gorter of the Netherlands and Deane K. Smith of the USA and is sponsored by the Comission on Powder Diffraction of the International Union of Crystallography. The main collection point is Leiderdorp, the Netherlands.

The 1995 list of programs contains 670 program listings categorized into 22 areas of activity and 6 subgroups. The program listing includes information on the language, platform, distribution and cost where known. In addition there is an Appendix with the addresses of the program authors and an extensive list of references. E-mail addresses and Fax/Phone numbers are included where known.

This list will continue to be maintained with the help of program authors and users. There are forms available to supply program information for additional entries for the WDPDP. All the information requested on the form should be supplied for the entry to be complete and usefull to others. The completed forms should be sent to Syb Gorter to the address below.

In addition to the maintenence of the WDPDP, Syb Gorter operates the Program Exchange Bank where many of the programs in the WDPDP are available on request. Programs currently available by this route are indicated in the WDPDP by "PEB" in the author column. Programs may be acquired by ftp or on some specific media. For the latter way a charge has to be paid to cover the costs.


The cost of the WDPDP95 is US$50 covering printing, mailing from the Netherlands (air mail) and currency exchange. When payment is in cash a discount of US$15 is available. Your address on file at the PEB will assure you of information on updates. An order form will be sent on request or the one below may be used. Payment should accompany the order form. An invoice will be enclosed on delivery. Direct orders may be made at any time to the Program Exchange Bank.

Order Form

Please supply the following information:

Mailling address:
      Street or Building:______________________________________________________
      City:              ______________________________________________________
      State or Country:  ______________________________________________________
      Zip Code           ______________________________________________________

E-mail address:________________________________________________________________

                              Mail Order

                              Prices in US$

Invoice date:________________

      Description                                  Nr of copies      Price
World Directory of Powder Diffraction Programs
Release 1995 (US$50 per copy)                           ______       _____

An international order (available at your Post Office) or cash or check to Syb Gorter must accompany this order.

In case of cash payment a discount of US$15 is available.

Send orders to:

Drs. Ing. S. Gorter
43 van Lennepdreef, NL-2353 NJ Leiderdorp, the Netherlands
E-Mail address:
Fax: (31) 71 274537
Manager of the Program Exchange Bank, the Central Distribution Site for Powder Diffraction Software and Maintainer of the World Directory of Powder Diffraction Software

Please send your comments and your suggestions to Yves Epelboin, .

Last update Sept. 18/09/1995 Y.E.
This service is made available through a grant from CNRS and Ministère de l'Education Nationale