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NAME cifGetItemAliasNamesByIndex


#include "ciflib.h"

char **cifGetItemAliasNamesByIndex(const int  dataBlockIndex, 
                                   const int  categoryIndex, 
                                         int *numItem);

cifGetItemAliasNamesByIndex returns an array of item alias names within the target category within the target data block. If an item has been declared using a valid alias name, then that alias name is returned by this function. This behavior differs from cifGetItemNamesByIndex which always returns item names defined in the current dictionary even if those items have been declared using alias names. The category and data block are identified by their indices.


dataBlockIndex zero-based index of the target data block
categoryIndex zero-based index of the target category
numItem integer pointer to hold returned number of item names


Returns an array of item alias names or a NULL value for failure. If the operation is successful the number of item names is returned in numItem.


See also: cifGetItemAliasNames

Olivera Tosic