Core dictionary (coreCIF) version 2.4.5
The category of paper submitted. For submission to Acta Crystallographica Section C or Acta Crystallographica Section E, ONLY those codes indicated for use with those journals should be used.
The data value must be one of the following:
AD | Addenda and Errata (Acta C, Acta E) |
CI | CIF-access paper - inorganic (Acta C) (no longer in use) |
CM | CIF-access paper - metal-organic (Acta C) (no longer in use) |
CO | CIF-access paper - organic (Acta C) (no longer in use) |
EI | Electronic submission - inorganic (Acta E) |
EM | Electronic submission - metal-organic (Acta E) |
EO | Electronic submission - organic (Acta E) |
FA | Full article |
FI | Full submission - inorganic (Acta C) |
FM | Full submission - metal-organic (Acta C) |
FO | Full submission - organic (Acta C) |
GI | Research communications - inorganic compounds (Acta E) |
GM | Research communications - metal-organic compounds (Acta E) |
GO | Research communications - organic compounds (Acta E) |
HI | Data reports - inorganic compounds (Acta E) |
HM | Data reports - metal-organic compounds (Acta E) |
HO | Data reports - organic compounds (Acta E) |
QI | Inorganic compounds (Acta E) |
QM | Metal-organic compounds (Acta E) |
QO | Organic compounds (Acta E) |
SC | Short communication |
Enumeration default: FA
Type: char
Category: publ