
CRYSTAL DATA AND X-RAY POWDER DIFFRACTION DATA OF LOBENZARIT ACID AND LOBENZARIT DISODIUM. HÈctor Novoa de Armas*, Rolando PellÛn CÛmdom, Center of Pharmaceutical Chemistry. P. O. Box 16042. Havana. Cuba, RamÛn PomÈs Hern.ndez and Julio Duque Rodriguez, National Center for Scientific Research. P. O. Box 6990. Havana, Cuba

Lobenzarit acid, C14H10ClNO4, and lobenzarit disodium (CCA), C14H8ClNNa2O4, have been investigated by means of X-ray powder diffraction. The 4-chloro-2,2' iminodibenzoic acid (lobenzarit acid) is an intermediary compound in the CCA synthesis, which is a powerful anti-rheumatic drug. The unit cell dimensions were determined from diffractometer methods, using strictly monochromatized Cu K[[alpha]]1 radiation, and evaluated by indexing programs. The source of initial cells was the indexing program DICVOL91. The triclinic cell found for lobenzarit acid was a = 16.580(1)~, b = 16.389(1)~, c = 4.9023(3)~ , [[alpha]] =71.674(6)[[infinity]], [[beta]] = 92.609(6)[[infinity]] , [[gamma]] = 97.127(6)[[infinity]], Z = 4, Dx = 1.544 Mg/m3. The triclinic cell found for CCA was a = 18.041(5)~, b = 11.461(4)~, c = 5.936(2)~, [[alpha]] =66.80(3)[[infinity]], [[beta]] = 103.61(3)[[infinity]], [[gamma]] = 113.13(3)[[infinity]], Z = 4, Dx = 2.159 Mg/m3. The final results were checked using the program NBS*AIDS83.