
JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION (JSR). J.R.Helliwell S.S.Hasnain, and H.Kamitsubo, Dept. Of Chemistry, University of Manchester Manchester, M13 9PL U.K.

JSR was launched in late 1994 with an Inaugural Issue, ran 6 regular issues through 1995 and has now entered its 3rd volume in 1996. The papers published have covered all regions of the synchrotron radiation spectrum and in particular embrace sources, instrumentation and methods, fully in the spirit of the objectives of the new journal, namely to provide a focus for the whole of the synchrotron radiation community. The interfaces between the other IUCr journals, especially JAC, has been effectively realised through cross-editorial board appointments. We now have to realise economic viability and to increase the number of pages per issue, which is running lower than estimated (eg for 1995 328 pages were published in the 6 issues). Monitoring also of the journal impact factors (citation rate per paper) will be necessary as libraries seek a wider range of objective methods for determining subscription choices. Finally via membership within the Electronic Publishing Committee of the IUCr we are monitoring new technical developments carefully.