
CHLOROMERCURATES OF TWO AMINECARBOXYLATE COBALT(III) COMPLEXES. Kerry D. Robinson and Izya F. Burshtein, Siemens Energy and Automation, Inc., 6300 Enterprise Ln., Madison, WI 53719-1173, USA, Anatolii L. Poznyak, Institute of Molecular and Atomic Physics, 220072, Minsk, Belarus

For the first time , compounds of two cobalt(III) complexes, C1 and C2 are synthesized (C1=[Co(en)L1]2+, C2=[Co(dien)L2]2+, L1 and L2 N,N-bis(2-aminoethyl) amino-3-propionate or S-ornithinate ions respectively). L1 anions were prepared by the Hofmann destruction of corresponding amide, N,N-bis(2-carbamoylethyl)amino-3-propionate, prepared, in its turn, from b-alanine and acrylamide.

The crystal and molecular structures of the C2 perchlorate, [C2] (ClO4)2. 1/2H2O, and chloromercurates of both cations characterized by general formulae [C]HgCl4 and [C]Hg2Cl6 are determined by x-ray analysis. Chloromercurates of both types are deposited simultaneously from solutions of the corresponding perchlorates or chloride after addition of mercuric chloride in excess.

Both cations are low-spin octahedral cobalt(III) complexes of the Co(N)5(O) type of the C1 cations, three N atoms of the L1 ligand are arranged facially, whereas in the C2 cations middle N atom of the dien ligand lies in trans position to N atom of the ornithinate side chain.

The crystals of [C]HgCl4 compounds contain discrete tetrahedral tetracloromercurate(II) anions. Anionic parts of [C]Hg2Cl6 crystals are built of a variety of species. In some of them, there is interaction of Hg atoms with carboxylate O atoms of the complex cations. Three Hg-containing species are found in [C1]Hg2Cl6 crystals: a) HgCl3 anions coupled to O atom (tetrahedral HgCl3O species); b) Cl3Hg(m-Cl)HgCl2 dimers; c) centrosymmetric Cl2Hg(m-Cl)2HgCl2 dimers. The [C2]Hg2Cl6 crystals contain two crystallographically unequivalent HgCl3 and HgCl3O ions as well as Cl3Hg(m-Cl)HgCl2O dimers.