
HIGH Tc SUPERCONDUCTORS AND RELATED OXIDES : HIGH PRESSURE PHASES. Mikio Takano, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University.

High Tc cupric oxide superconductors and related quantum antiferromagnets prepared at high pressures of 6GPa typically will be reviewed.

The use of high pressure generally leads us to new phases through pressure-induced changes in structure and/or chemical composition of ambient pressure phases and also through stabilization of novel compositions and structures. All these cases can be seen for cupric oxides.

Superconductors prepared at high pressure are featured by the multiplicity of the 2D CuO2 sheets (e.g. (Sr, Nd)CuO2 and CuBa2Ca5Cu6O14), inclusion of 2D CuO2 sheets capped with halogen atoms (e.g. (Ca,Na)CuO2Cl2 and Sr2Ca2Cu3O6F2), etc. Many other new phases will be prepared in near future.

The speaker's group is now more involved in a research of spin-ladder compounds. SrCu2O3 and LaCuO2.5 prepared at 3-6GPa contain two-leg ladders, the legs and the rungs of which are CuO chains and Cu-O-Cu bonds, respectively. The electronic ground state of SrCu2O3 has been found to be a singlet spin liquid, which is separated from the first excited magnetic state by a wide "spin gap" of 420 K. On the other hand, interladder interactions cause long range magnetic ordering in the latter oxide, though the ordering is easily destroyed by the substitution of Sr2+ for La3+. Novel physics of quantum spin ladders is progressing fast