
NEUTRAL HOMOAROMATIClTY: ALMOST BUT NOT QUITE. Dick van der Helm & M. Bilayet Hossain, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 and Richard V. Williams,Vijay R.Gadgil & Kamlesh Chauhan, Department of Chemistry, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844, and Lloyd M. Jackman & Errol Fernandes, Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802.

The semibullvalenes have been recognized as the system most closely approaching neutral homoaromaticity. Theoretical calculations indicate the homoaromatic lc to be the ground state. However X-ray structure determinations at 293K, 243K, 163K, 148K and 123K show an equal mixture of la & lb at the higher temperatures and unequal mixtures of 1a & lb at the lower temperatures. The existence of both la & lb is confirmed by solution NMR. The solid state NMR is not able to distinguish la lb from lc. The result leave open the possibility that lc exists in the gas phase.