
THE STRUCTURE OF ARYL- AND THIENYLGERMATRANES. By E. Lukevics, S. Belyakov, A. Kemme,L.Ignatovich, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Riga, Latvia

The crystals of aryl- (I, II) and thienylgermatranes (III-V) have been obtained to study the influence of a substituent on the pentacoordination of the germanium atom. The compounds I-V were prepared by the reaction of RGe(OEt)3 with triethanolamine.

Their structures were studied by X-ray diffraction method. The crystallographic data for I-V are:

The values of intramolecular N'Ge donor-acceptor bond lengths for molecules I-V are 2.211, 2.209, 2.201, 2.156, 2.175 Å respectively. The crystal structures of I, II, IV are isomorphous to the corresponding silatranes. The structure disorder is observed in the crystals II and V.