
INFLUENCE OF THE DEFECTIVENESS OF THE CRYSTAL LATTICE ON THE METAMAGNETIC PHASE TRANSITIONS IN Cd1-xCuxCr2S4 (WHERE x <= 0.2) AND ZnCr2-InxSe4 (WHERE x<= 0.14). J. Warczewski, J. Krok-Kowalski, T. Grón, Universily of Silesia, Institute of Physics, ul. Uniwersytecka 4, PL-40-(007 Katowice, Poland

The stability of spinel crystal structures decreases with the increase of the anion radius. It is connected with the increase of the anion covalency [1] and the vacancy concentration [2] in the sequence: O,S,Se and Te.

High structure defectiveness of the spinels under investigation is confirmed by the x-ray studies [3] and the vacancy model [2]. Mixed valence of chromium ions (Cr2+-Cr3+) resulting from the defectiveness mentioned above is the main cause of the metamagnetic phase transition in Cd1-xCuxCr2S4, where as in the case of

ZnCr2-xInxSe4 it contributes to this effect by the increase of the values of the critical magnetic fields.


[1] H. Von Philipsborn, Z. Kristallogr., 133 (1971), 464.

[2] T. Gron, Phil. Mag. B, 70 (1994), 121.

[3] H. Rej, J. Warczewski and I. Okonska-Kozlowska, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 133-136 (1993), 733.