IUCr XVII - Workshops

Four half-day workshops are being planned for Tuesday, Aug. 13.

Crystallographic Information File (CIF) Workshops, organized by Syd Hall, Editor of Section C of Acta Cryst., syd@crystal.uwa.edu.au

CIF I - Data Interchange and Publication, will be held in the morning for those with limited knowledge of CIFs. CIF I will cover generation, editing a CIF, checking if a CIF is valid, preparing CIF data for publication, understanding a CIF dictionary and accessing a CIF archive.

CIF II - New Applications and Definitions, will be held in the afternoon for experienced CIF users. CIF II will cover new dictionaries, dictionary definition languages, CIF handling and display tools and database abdications.

Surfing the Crystallographic Net (CrysNet) Workshops , organized by Howard Flack, howard.flack@cryst.unige.ch

A minimum number of 25 registrants for each half-day session will be required and a maximum of 100 registrants has been set. Additional details concerning these two half-day workshops are available by clicking here.

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This information last updated Nov. 7, 1995