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IUCr 1999 18th General Assembly - Election of Chairs and members of Commissions

The numbers of elected members are determined by the General Assembly for each individual Commission. It should be noted that, according to By-Law 7.3, service on a Commission is limited to three consecutive full terms of office, except for Editors, Co-editors and ex officio members. A person who has already served for three full consecutive terms is still eligible as Chair for a fourth term.

The present membership of Commissions, and the original years of election or appointment, are as follows:

Commission on Journals

Chair, Editor-in-Chief of Acta Crystallographica and a Main Editor of Journal of Synchrotron Radiation

J.R. Helliwell (UK; 1996)

Co-Chair and Editor of Journal of Applied Crystallography/

A.M. Glazer (UK; 1985)

Main Editors of Journal of Synchrotron Radiation

S.S. Hasnain (UK; 1993)

J.R. Helliwell (UK; 1993)

H. Kamitsubo (Japan; 1993)

Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section A

A. Authier (France; 1993)

Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section B

F.H. Allen (UK; 1993)

Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section C

S.R. Hall (Australia; 1990)

Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section D

J.P. Glusker (USA; 1987)

Co-editors of Acta, JAC and JSR

M.J. Adams (UK; Acta A+B+D, 1992)

E.T. Adman (USA; Acta A+D, 1992)

Y. Amemiya (Japan; JSR, 1993)

M. Ando (Japan; JSR, 1993)

L.A. Aslanov (Russia; Acta A+B+C+D, 1996)

D.H. Bilderback (USA; JSR, 1993)

A.J. Blake (UK; Acta B+C, 1994)

C.P. Brock (USA; Acta A+B+C, 1993)

G.E. Brown (USA; JSR, 1995)

I.D. Brown (Canada; Acta A+B+C, 1990)

E.E. Castellano (Brazil; Acta A+B, 1996)

C.T. Chen (Taiwan; JSR, 1999)

W. Clegg (UK; Acta B+C, 1994)

B.M. Craven (USA; Acta A+B+C, 1988)

L.M. Daniels (USA; Acta C, 1997)

G.R. Desiraju (India; Acta B+C, 1994)

H.M. Einspahr (USA; Acta D, 1997)

P. Elleaume (France; JSR, 1993)

G. Ferguson (Canada; Acta B+C, 1994)

R. Fourme (France; JSR, 1993)

R.R. Frahm (Germany; JSR, 1998)

F. Frolow (Israel; Acta D, 1997)

F.R. Fronczek (USA; Acta B+C, 1996)

B. Gallois (France; Acta B+C, 1997)

C. Giacovazzo (Italy; Acta A, 1994)

C. Glidewell (UK; Acta C, 1998)

J. Harada (Japan; Acta A, JAC, 1994)

M.M. Harding (UK; Acta B+C+D, 1989)

M. Hart (USA; Acta A, JSR, 1993)

H. Hashizume (Japan; Acta A, JAC, 1992)

F.H. Herbstein (Israel; Acta A+B, 1993)

C.J. Howard (Australia; JAC, 1990)

T.C. Huang (USA; JAC, 1992)

G.B. Jameson (New Zealand; Acta C, 1998)

T. Janssen (The Netherlands; Acta A, 1993)

P.G. Jones (Germany; Acta B+C, 1994)

T.A. Jones (Sweden; Acta A+D, 1992)

A. Kálmán (Hungary; Acta B+C, 1990)

J. Kirz (USA; JSR, 1995)

H. Kuroda (Japan; JSR, 1993)

C.E.P. Lecomte (France; Acta A+B, 1997)

A. Linden (Switzerland; Acta C, 1996)

P.F. Lindley (UK; Acta A+B+C+D, JAC, 1989)

R.E. Marsh (USA; Acta C, 1994)

T. Matsushita (Japan; JSR, 1993)

D.M. Mills (USA; JSR, 1993)

S. Mobilio (Italy; JSR, 1993)

K. Moffat (USA; JAC, JSR, 1993)

A.M. Moore (UK; Acta A, JAC, 1997)

(Also Book Review Editor for JSR) I.H. Munro (UK; JSR, 1993)

M. Nardelli (Italy; Acta B+C, 1991)

L.R. Nassimbeni (South Africa; Acta B, 1994)

O. Nittono (Japan; JAC, 1993)

Y. Ohashi (Japan; Acta A+B+C, 1995)

S. Ohba (Japan; Acta C, 1998)

D.H. Ohlendorf (USA; JAC, 1998)

G. Oliva (Brazil; Acta D, JSR, 1997)

(Co-editor in charge of JAC Teaching and Education Section) Å. Oskarsson (Sweden; JAC, Acta B+C, 1996)

D. Pandey (India; Acta A, JAC, 1996)

J.S. Pedersen (Denmark; JAC, 1993)

J. Penner-Hahn (USA; JSR, 1995)

C. Riekel (France; JSR, 1995)

W.H.E. Saenger (Germany; Acta B+D, 1989)

V. Saile (USA; JSR, 1993)

M. Sauvage-Simkin (France; JSR, 1993)

D. Schwarzenbach (Switzerland; Acta A+B, 1992)

V.I. Simonov (Russia; Acta A+B+C, 1979)

A.L. Spek (The Netherlands; Acta C, 1995)

J.C.H. Spence (USA; Acta A, 1989)

W.C. Stallings (USA; Acta A+B+C+D, 1994)

H.B. Stuhrmann (Germany; JSR, 1993)

S. Suga (Japan; JSR, 1995)

M.R. Taylor (Australia; Acta B+C, 1994)

P.A. Thomas (UK; JAC, 1996)

T. Tsukihara (Japan; Acta D, 1995)

J. Vicat (France; JAC, 1992)

M. Vijayan (India; Acta B+C+D, 1992)

(Also Software Review Editor for JAC) P.S. White (USA; JAC, 1996)

S.W. Wilkins (Australia; JSR, 1999)

A.F. Wrulich (Switzerland; JSR, 1999)

Z. Zhang (People's Republic of China; Acta A, 1993)

H. Zimmermann (Germany; JAC, 1996)

Book Review Editor for Acta and JAC: R.F. Bryan (USA; Acta and JAC, 1992)

Commission on International Tables

Chair and Editor of Volume A

Th. Hahn (Germany; 1987)

Editor of Volume B

U. Shmueli (Israel; 1982)

Editor of Volume C

E. Prince (USA; 1995)

Editor of Volume D

A. Authier (France; 1990)

Editors of Volume E

V. Kopsky (Czech Republic; 1990)

D.B. Litvin (USA; 1990)

Editors of Volume F

M.G. Rossmann (USA; 1996)

E. Arnold (USA; 1996)

Editors of Volume G

S.R. Hall (Australia; 1996)

B. McMahon (UK; 1996)

Editor of Volume A1

H. Wondratschek (Germany; 1995)

Commission on Aperiodic Crystals


G.C. Chapuis (Switzerland; 1991)

Elected members

J.-M. Dubois (France; 1996)

Farkas-Jahnke (Hungary; 1991)

D. Pandey (India; 1993)

J.M. Pérez-Mato (Spain; 1991)

M.L. Senechal (USA; 1991)

W. Steurer (Germany; 1991)

Van Smaalen (Germany; 1996)

A. Yamamoto (Japan; 1993)

Commission on Biological Macromolecules


W.H.E. Saenger (Germany; 1996)

Elected members

M. Bolognesi (Italy; 1990)

W.-r. Chang (People's Republic of China; 1996)

J.K. Dattagupta (India; 1996)

A. Liljas (Sweden; 1993)

Y. Mitsui (Japan; 1993)

J. Sevcik (Slovakia; 1993)

L. Smith (USA; 1996)

I. Wilson (USA; 1993)

Commission on Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities


K. Schwarz (Austria; 1990)

Elected members

A.K. Bansil (USA; 1993)

F. Itoh (Japan; 1990)

G.H. Lander (Germany; 1993)

C. Lecomte (France; 1993)

F. Sacchetti (Italy; 1996)

M. Sakata (Japan; 1996)

M.A. Spackman (Australia; 1993)

V.G. Tsirelson (Russia; 1996))

Y. Wang (Taipei; 1996)

Ex officio member

J.W. White (Australia) (as Chair of Commission on Neutron Scattering)

Commission on Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials


H. Klapper (Germany; 1987)

Elected members

P. Bennema (The Netherlands; 1990)

P.M. Dryburgh (UK; 1990)

F. Licci (Italy; 1993)

N.-B. Ming (People's Republic of China; 1996)

T. Nishinaga (Japan; 1993)

F. Rosenberger (USA; 1993)

P. Rudolph (Germany; 1996)

I.L. Smolsky (Russia; 1996)

Ex officio members

P.M. Dryburgh (UK) (as Representative of International Organization of Crystal Growth)

A.M. Glazer (UK) (as Editor of Journal of Applied Crystallography)

Commission on Crystallographic Computing


P.E. Bourne (USA; 1993)

G.L. Cascarano (Italy; 1996)

T. Higashi (Japan; 1996)

M. Kjeldgaard (Denmark; 1996)

T. Koritsanszky (Germany; 1996)

M. Ramanadham (India; 1993)

J. Simpson (New Zealand; 1996)

A.L. Spek (The Netherlands; 1996)

D.J. Watkin (UK; 1993)

Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature


S.C. Abrahams (USA; 1987)

Ex officio members

J.R. Helliwell (UK) (as Editor-in-Chief of Acta Crystallographica and a Main Editor of Journal of Synchrotron Radiation)

A. Authier (France) (as Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section A and Editor of Volume D of International Tables for Crystallography)

F.H. Allen (UK) (as Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section B)

S.R. Hall (Australia) (as Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section C)

J.P. Glusker (USA) (as Section Editor of Acta Cryst. Section D)

A.M. Glazer (UK) (as Editor of Journal of Applied Crystallography)

S.S. Hasnain (UK) (as a Main Editor of Journal of Synchrotron Radiation)

H. Kamitsubo (Japan) (as a Main Editor of Journal of Synchrotron Radiation)

Th. Hahn (Germany) (as Editor of Volume A of International Tables for Crystallography)

U. Shmueli (Israel) (as Editor of Volume B of International Tables for Crystallography)

E. Prince (USA) (as Editor of Volume C of International Tables for Crystallography)

V. Kopsky (Czech Republic) (as an Editor of Volume E of International Tables for Crystallography)

D.B. Litvin (USA) (as an Editor of Volume E of International Tables for Crystallography)

M.G. Rossmann (USA) (as an Editor of Volume F of International Tables for Crystallography

E. Arnold (USA) as an Editor of Volume F of International Tables for Crystallography)

S.R. Hall (Australia) (as an Editor of Volume G of International Tables for Crystallography)

B. McMahon (UK) (as an Editor of Volume G of International Tables for Crystallography)

H. Wondratschek (Germany) (as an Editor of Volume H of International Tables for Crystallography)

P. Coppens (USA) (as Chair of IUCr/OUP Book Series Committee)

C.M. Gramaccioli (Italy) (as Chair of Commission on Crystallographic Teaching)

I.D. Brown (Canada) (as Chair of COMCIFS)

Commission on Crystallographic Teaching


C.M. Gramaccioli (Italy; 1987)

L.A. Aslanov (Russia; 1990)

C.P. Brock (USA; 1993)

I.D. Brown (Canada; 1990)

P.N. Kasai (Japan; 1993)

E. Makovicky (Denmark; 1996)

Y.P. Mascarenhas (Brazil; 1993)

(Secretary) Å. Oskarsson (Sweden; 1993)

P. Phavanantha (Thailand; 1996)

W.T. Robinson (New Zealand; 1990)

Commission on Electron Diffraction


J.W. Steeds (UK; 1990)

Elected members

(Secretary) D.L. Dorset (USA; 1993)

A. Ichimiya (Japan; 1996)

F.-h. Li (People's Republic of China; 1996)

J.C.H. Spence (USA; 1996)

M. Tanaka (Japan; 1996)

M.A. van Hove (USA; 1996)

D. Van Dyck (Belgium; 1996)

Commission on High Pressure


R.J. Nelmes (UK; 1996)

Elected members

Y. Fujii (Japan; 1996)

I.N. Goncharenko (Russia; 1996)

D. Häusermann (France; 1996)

R.J. Hemley (USA; 1996)

A. Katrusiak (Poland; 1996)

W.F. Kuhs (Germany; 1996)

(Secretary) J.B. Parise (USA; 1996)

O. Shimomura (Japan; 1996)


Commission on Neutron Scattering


J.W. White (Australia; 1990)

Elected members

A.M. Balagurov (Russia; 1996)

;C.J. Carlile (UK; 1996)

J.B. Forsyth (UK; 1993)

Y. Fujii (Japan; 1996)

P.S. Goyal (India; 1996)

G. Heger (Germany; 1996)

J.D. Jorgensen (USA; 1996)

J.S. Pedersen (Denmark; 1996)

E. Prince (USA; 1990)

Commission on Powder Diffraction


R.J. Cernik (UK; 1993)

Elected members

R. Delhez (The Netherlands; 1996)

(Secretary) L.B. McCusker (Switzerland; 1993)

J. Pannetier (France; 1996)

P. Scardi (Italy; 1996)

S.P. Sen Gupta (India; 1996)

D.K. Smith (USA; 1993)

I.G.R. Tellgren (Sweden; 1993)

H. Toraya (Japan; 1993)

R.B. Von Dreele (USA; 1996)

Ex officio member

R.L. Snyder (USA) (as Representative of ICDD)

Commission on Small-Angle Scattering


J.D. Barnes (USA; 1996)

Elected members

A. Craievich (Brazil; 1996)

E. Kaler (USA; 1996)

G. Kostorz (Switzerland; 1996)

K. Osamura (Japan; 1996)

J. Penfold (UK; 1996)

T.M. Sabine (Australia; 1996)

D. Svergun (Russia; 1996)

Commission on Structural Chemistry (formerly Commission on Small Molecules)


C. Krüger (Germany; 1993)

V.K. Belsky (Russia; 1996)

G. Desiraju (India; 1996)

(Secretary) J.L. Flippen-Anderson (USA; 1993)

G. Gilli (Italy; 1990)

K. Hagen (Norway; 1996)

B. Kojic-Prodic (Croatia; 1990)

B. Krebs (Germany; 1996)

Y. Ohashi (Japan; 1993)

G. Punte (Argentina; 1996)


Commission on Synchrotron Radiation


Y. Amemiya (Japan; 1990)

Elected members

R. Feidenhans'l (Denmark; 1996)

A. Fontaine (France; 1996)

K.K. Kannan (India; 1993)

A.H. Kvick (France; 1996)

D.P. Siddons (USA; 1996)

K.D. Watenpaugh (USA; 1993)

S.W. Wilkins (Australia; 1993)

A. Yonath (Israel; 1996)

Commission on XAFS


E.A. Stern (USA; 1996)

Elected members

K. Baberschke (Germany; 1996)

A. Fontaine (France; 1996)

K.P. Garg (India; 1996)

B. Hedman (USA; 1996)

S. Mobilio (Italy; 1996)

T. Murata (Japan; 1996)

(Secretary) J. Penner-Hahn (USA; 1996)

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[1996] [2002] IUCr General Assembly: Election of Chairs and members of Commissions

Updated 6th June 1999

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