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SinCris EXPHER - Package for experimental data treatment

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Expher is a compiler which generates a Fortran 77 program to perform data reduction, error analysis, and all that kind of things.

You give EXPHER a source file where

EXPHER generates a Fortran 77 program which answers most questions, giving you the most likely values of your unknowns, their error bars, and the final error matrix. Note that is not limited to the linear unknowns of classical least squares, but it can handle sophisticated (but continuous) functions...

This takes a few hours to be do, while building the same program from scratch takes several months... Try it.

Documentation is available by anonymous ftp at, in directories pub/expher/doc/english and pub/expher/doc/french in the form of PostScript files (*.ps), PCL files (*.lj), TeX files and DVI files.

Distribution by anonymous ftp of the programme in directories pub/expher/.... where .... may be unxsun (SUNos), unxaix (RS6000/AIX), unxymp(Cray/UNICOS), unx_hp(HP9000/HP_UX) and vaxvms. Generic distribution in pub/expher/master.

There is also a version of EXPHER which runs under DOS using the f2c and GNU-C compilers. The following restrictions apply:

Freeware but please cite the work in any publication.

For more information look at our Web site.
Author: Daniel Taupin:

Please send your comments and your suggestions to Yves Epelboin, .

Last update January 08 1996 Y.E.
This service s made available through a grant from CNRS and Ministère de l'Education Nationale