3.27. GENTAN: Tangent phasing

invarcontrol structure invariant relationships used
selectcontrol starting phase selection process
phiinput specific starting phase
assignassign starting phase by sequence number
refineparameters controlling tangent refinement process
partsfparameters for partial structure factor input
setfominput figure-of-merit parameters
psetsspecify phase sets to be output
dumpprint detailed information on the phasing process
archivcontrol items output to logical record lrrefl: of bdf

GENTANOption CodeArg Def
 min |E| applied emin e only |E|'s > e phased 
 max phases calc. rmax m the m largest |E|'s phasedfrom file inv
 max phase sets pset s calculate s permutations64
 max phase sets bdf pout k output k phase sets to the bdf4
 list phase sets plis x list top x phase sets (max 8)0
 phase convergence pacc  fix phase when converged 
   nacc  phase refined every cycle 
 bdf starting phases nbdf  do not use bdf phases to start process 
   pbdf  use bdf phases to start 
 data set number dset n  1

invar1invariant types to be used in the phasing process   
  use triplet and quartet invariants all   
  use triplets only trip   
  use quartets only quar   
 2minimum A of triplets used  from file inv
 3minimum B of quartets used  from file inv
 4maximum triplets allowed per generator  100
 5maximum quartets allowed per generator  100
 6reduce A and B values by this fraction of A and B  1
 7control eligible quartets according to X-vector sum   
  include quartets with XVsums<LO or >HI parxv   
  include all quartets allxv   
  include quartets with X-vectors in the data sphere insxv   
  include only quartets with X-vectors out of sphere outxv   
  use negative quartets actively active   
 8lower limit for cross-vector sums - LO  25% of max to 2.5
 9upper limit for cross-vector sums - HI  75% of max to 4.0
 10invariant applied to negative quartets (in degrees) if no fragment estimate180

select1method to select starting phases   
  permute phases in specified increments(def: centro) perm   
  permute phases using magic integers(def: noncentro) magic   
  assign random values to all but ODR phases random   
 2number of initial starting phases selected (other than ODR, EDR) if random 0
    if permute ,1
    if magic 2
 3maximum starting phases selected with MAXEXT process number needed to connect 75% of field 4 
 4maximum generators used in MAXEXT selection process  100
 5types of relationships used in selection processes   
  use all invariants except negative quartets all   
  use only triplet relationships trip   
  use only quartet relationships quar   
 6criteria for MAXEXT selection process   
  test for maximum sum of(weighted * generator) gwa   
  test for maximum reflections phased in oneiteration gen   
  test for maximum invariants involved in oneiteration inv   
  test for maximum sum of(weighted ) wal   
 7increment for permuting restricted phases in degrees  180
 8increment for permuting nonrestricted phases in degrees  90
 9starting weight for phases assigned in random mode  0.25
 10integer used to seed random phase generator  137

phi1-3hkl indices of input phase   
 4phase (in degrees)  restricted value
     or 45
 5starting phase status code   
  permute starting phase (permutable) per   
  origin defining phase (non-permutable) odr   
  enantiomorph phase (permutable) edr   
  fixed starting phase (non-permutable) set   
  disable phase from refinement process null   
 6fix input phase for n refinement iterations for per or set 5
    for edr 10
    for odr 30
 7permutation increment between phase sets ( edr and per ) for restricted phases180
 8phase weight for refinement if not null then1

assign [a]1-starting phase status codes followed by groups of sequence numbers 
a. Status codes are the same as defined for the phi line. Generator sequence numbers are in order of decreasing |E| value as listed by GENSIN. The status code of a series of starting phases precedes their generator sequence numbers (see GENTAN in the Reference Manual). Any number of assign lines may be entered.

refine1phase extension and refinement procedure   
  estimate new phases during tangent iteration cascade   
  estimate new phases after tangent iteration block   
 2tangent weighting scheme   
  probabilistic weights w1   
  Hull-Irwin statistical weights w2   
  modified Hull-Irwin statistical weights w3   
 3maximum number of refinement iterations  30
 4minimum weight to phase extension eligibility  0.15
 5initial 2 thresholdto extension eligibility  auto
 6reduction fraction of 2threshold per cycle  0.7
 7refinement cutoff as fraction of average2 shift   0.02
 8fix odr phase for n refinement iterations   30
 9fix edr phase for n refinement iterations  10
 10fix perm phase for n refinement iterations  5
 11fix set phase for n refinement iterations  5
 12disable null phase for n refinementiterations  30

partsf1control application of fragment estimate   
  include estimated fromfragment data qpsi   
  exclude estimated from fragment data nqpi   
 2control use of starting phases from input archive bdf   
  do not use phases from input archive bdf no   
  include FC phases according to 4, 5 and 6 below fc   
  include GENTAN phases according to 3 and 4 below gt   
 3phase set number of GENTAN phases to be entered  1
 4minimum |E| of phases to be entered  emin
 5fraction x of Fcal phases acceptedif Fcal > x*Frel  0.5
 6Frel scale applied before test in field 5  bdf value

setfom1control flag for pretest of FOM values   
  pretest FOM values after the 6th tangent iteration pret   
  do not pretest FOM values nopr   
 2optimum RFOM value for CFOM/AMOS calculation  1.0
 3optimum RFAC value for CFOM/AMOS calculation  0.25
 4optimum PSI0 value for CFOM/AMOS calculation  1.5
 5optimum NEGQ value for CFOM/AMOS calculation  60
 6weight of RFOM value for CFOM/AMOS calculation  1
 7weight of RFAC value for CFOM/AMOS calculation  1
 8weight of PSI0 value for CFOM/AMOS calculation [a]  2
 9weight of NEGQ value for CFOM/AMOS calculation [a]  2
 10automatic termination of multi-solution process  yes
  continue even if FOMs < optimal FOMs cont   
 11RFOM lower rejection limit for 014 and 024  0.25
a. The PSI0 weight is scaled down if the number of PSI0 triplets is less than 100. The reduction factor is the number of triplets per 100. The NEGQ weight is similarly adjusted according to the number of negative quartets.

psets [a]1-specific phase set numbers to be output to the bdf 
a. Used to select specific phase sets, independent of their FOM values, when repeating an identical GENTAN run.

dumpOptionCodeArg Def
 generator & selection list sel  print start set data 
 specify phase set limits pse m n phase sets m to n 1 1
 generator set limits gen t u generators t to u all
 print starting phases [a] sta  starting phase set 
 print phase iterations [a] ite p q iterations p to q 1 99
 print invariants [a] [b] inv  print each invariant 
 print phase history map [a] map  print phase est./iteration 
 print FOM sums fom  print sums used in FOM's 
 terminate phasing process hal t stop after phase set t 1
a. These print dumps are limited by pset and gen entries.
b. CAUTION! This printout can be enormous unless limited.

archiv [a]1-bdf ID numbers to be added or deleted from logical record lrrefl: 
a. Normally this line is not entered. The items added to the reflection record are controlled via pout of the GENTAN control line, not this line.
Caution: A maximum of 70 items may appear in the archive list and 64 are generated automatically in order to delete existing phase sets and weights. This means that a maximum of 6 user-generated deletes may be entered on this line. Negative identification numbers indicate the items to be deleted (if present) from the bdf.