3.52. REFCAL: Process reflection data

setsclset intensity scale factors
discondefinition of discontinuities in scale factors

REFCALOptionCodeArg Def
 instability options 0 | o | 3 inst o calculate coefficients0
 user-fixed instability inst 4 m b user-specified coefficients 
 instability calculation aftr  after scaling references 
   befr  before scaling reference 
 scale factor use appl  apply scales 
   naps  do not apply 
 range in scale smoothing sclm n  5
 "observed" threshold obst n rcode= 2 if |Fo|<n Fo99°
 output data type rawi  raw intensity 
   neti  nett intensity 
   fsqr  |Fobs|2 
   frel  |Fobs| 
 dataset number dset n 1 
 interpolated form factors noff  do not insert 
   ffac  insert in reflection record 
 systematically absent hkl sabs  include on output bdf 
   rsab  do not output to bdf 
 fate of reference incl  include on output bdf 
 reflections excl  exclude from output bdf 
 listing data slis  list data for 10 reflections 
   list n list n reflectionsall

setscl1scale factor to supersede value for the elapsed time in 2 
 2elapsed time of the scale factor which is superseded by the value in 1 

discon1elapsed times of the scale factor sets which mark discontinuities